Tuesday, August 9, 2011

DRAMA QUEENS...jump off the damn ark already!

Have you ever know a drama queen? Someone whos life wouldnt be ok without drama??
I laugh at those people. Actually i used to work with ALOT of them, and i see their DRAMA unfold by looking on my daughter facebook. Apparently shes friends with one of them. All i can do is laugh! like literally laugh. WHAT THE HELL is wrong with your life? you have your mommy giving you a job, you have free freakin daycare for the kids you keep reproducing and ..may i say AND,, you CLAIM to be this wonderful christian woman! LMFAO! thats all i can say. There are these people who thrive on drama, drama that they create because if they didnt their life would be boring. Like omg, my 8mth old is able to crawl??? OMG alert the damn press,,,,you idiot all 8month olds start to crawl!!!! or omg,,i now have 2 kids in school,,,AGAIN you idiot, did you not think babies grew up,,,u have a freaking masters degree!!!!

The reason im writing this is because i was with kayla at the ob and i saw one of these so called CHRISTIAN girls there,,prego and all i could do is laugh! cant imagine the DRAMA shes dreaming up.
Wow,,im on a roll, lmao, now i sound like a drama queen, but infact the so called drama in my life is real.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

parent vs friend

My promise to my kids -I am your parent first, your friend second. I will stalk you, flip out on you, lecture you, drive you insane, be your worst nightmare & hunt you down like a bloodhound when needed because I LOVE YOU! When you understand that, I will know you're a responsible adult. You will NEVER find someone who loves, prays, cares, & worries about you more than I do!
remember that kiddos, Brandi , Jessika, Ashleigh, Mikayla , Brooke, kristopeher, KAYLA (LOL)

Can't get any more real than that!!! Can you imagine if parents didnt get involved when we were teens??? omg. I know to any teens reading this, we are the totallly uncool generation!
THis is the main problem theses days, being the parent FIRST, so many want to be friends, but think back for a moment, how many friends from school do you as adults still have? 1, 2, ? PARENTS are forever! How many parents will throw themselves under a bus for their child? EVERY parent I know. All we really want is for our children to become good upstanding adults.

There are so many children who have parents but dont have a mommy and daddy!
Anyone who has given birth or fathered a child can say they are parents, but thats no where near being mommy or daddy!

The next time I yell, flip out on, cry about, pray about, worry about one of my children, I hope they will know the depth of my love for them!

Monday, August 1, 2011

open adoption ,,,,closed minds! ugh

there are people that don’t like the idea of open adoption….they cling to the “fact” that it would be terribly confusing for the children. There’s also one arguments that it’s just “not fair” to “force” the child to build a relationship with this stranger (you know – the stranger that gave birth to them). BUT these same people are more than welcome to introduce their child to all kinds of other strangers, the grandparents the child doesn’t know yet. The aunts and uncles that they haven’t met, friends of the family , coworkers, etc.....

Recenently i was talking to some people who just dont get it. Its so weird to me, they said, "so you kind of share parenting" I was like, NO, "Dan and I are the parents." THen i got,,"well what if she tries to take him back" THAT is my all time favorite lol. I had to explain that open adoption is still adoption, the child is still and always will be LEGALLY ours, nothing can change that.
There is so much misconception about openess that i so wish would change. THere is no confusion in my children either bio children or adopted as to who mommy and daddy are. THe only thing that closed adoptions do is lie and deceive the one person that deserves the truth! THE CHILD!

Monday, July 25, 2011


Ok, so ive decided to get on this coupon bandwagon. ive been clipping for about 2 weeks now. im still trying to figure all this out, by no means will i get to be as good as the extreme couponers, but if i can begin to save even 20% off my bills i think that will be great!
Today i set out to get cereal because in a house with 6 kids that is a must have. I had clipped and saved coupons for 1.00 off a box of any kellogs cereal. Rite aid was running a special, 1.88 per box. I was able to purchase 10 boxes of cereal and 3 boxes of poptarts for a grand total of 15.00! Heck for my first try i think that was a decent savings!

Next week im aiming for a deal on shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes and of course tampons lol. Ill blog about that shopping trip next monday!!!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Why is it that people focus on the wrongs that ppl do? YES some ppl do more wrong than others. So when does it even out???? Is scratching a scratch ticket the same wrong as robbing a store?..... Go ahead, think about it. ....You thinking? the answer is yep!!!!!!!!!!! If you beleive in God and the bible, a sin is a sin is a sin! No rating scale was developed!

I have a love in my heart for people. I dont care about what they have done in the past, i care about what they are doing for their future.
Some people thrive on the negative choices others have made. I thrive on the hope that people are going to CHANGE the negative decisions people make.

Last i checked..Colossians 3:13
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. (NIV)

so WHAT if people make wrong decisions, its what they do with the outcome that matters!!!!!!!!
Lord knows ive made MANY wrong choices in my life and i thank GOD he forgives because God only knows where i would be!

IM sick of negativity for people who have made past mistakes. Im sick of
negativity in any way! i wish...... i guess thats all i can do?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

primal wound discounts fathers!

Again back to the primal wound theory. The primal wound is all about the "so called loss " of the child to its biological mother. How does this make the biological father feel??? Never does she mention the loss of a child to his or her father! So basically whats shes saying is a biological father isnt as important to the child as the biological mother! What a bunch of CRAP! If people were to beleive her theory, the loss of the father should be as much of a hurt for that child but it is not discussed!

Basically shes disregarding fathers in her theory. The father plays a very important role in raising children too. Does she not think that if her theory is correct, the child would also be mourning the loss of the biofather?
A baby when born wants and needs, 3 things, human touch, food, shelter. IT doesnt matter who provides those needs. If that child feels safe, he or she is going to thrive, regardless .

If an adopted child is "acting out" etc, its not because he or she is wounded" or in pain, it has to do with genetics, dna, and other issues. So what is the theory on non adopted children who act out?? omg let me guess, lets blame their parents!!! Thats exactly what the primal wound is suggesting! BOGUS!

Monday, July 11, 2011

pw...primal wound nonsense!

ive done alot of reading on the primal wound, and all i have to say is HAHAHAHAHAAAAA and HA!
its such a joke, like does this author really beleive you need to blame your birthmother for your dysfunctions in life??? Are you kidding me?
Belief in the primal wound is like beleiving in santa clause. ITs not real..its all in your head and im sure real in the minds of people who beleive in such nonsence!

If you were a therapist and had a patient with, divorces, and unhealthy relationships, inability to keep a job , abuse, and he blamed it all on his birthmother and the primal wound you would have to get to the real issue, not the made up PW. This is so typical of adoptees who find the need to blame the mistakes they made on what went on before they were born.

i guess the bad grade i got in math class in the 5th grade i should blame it on the primal wound! lmao!

Friday, July 8, 2011

what a day!!!

started off ash mikayla brooke me and kristopher heading to plimouth plantation today despite the rain.
according to the radar by the time we got there we would have about 3 good hrs of no rain!! so off in the car we go,,going along just fine until the exit to the plantation,,down pouring and wiper motor goes!!! so we pull over under an underpass and wait for it to die down. after about 15 min we proceed to the plantation when...BANG, flat tire! so pull off to side again, broken motor for wipers and flat! nooo problem ill call AAA...while on phone realized my membership ended in APRIL!! UGHHHH so rejoined for $50. not a biggie...50 bucks to change tire and get us to our destination. while they finished the rain stopped. we had a great time at plimouth plantation! ohhhhh the ride home, as soon as we hit the highway....RAIN, not sprinkles not showers,monsoon like rain! Ride home was 20mph in breakdown lane with hazzards flashing!

so, i decided after a day like today i deserve a good supper. i wanted a clamboil, i went and got 10 lbs of steamers, yummmmm upon comming home, i dumped out the clams,,,yup u guessed it ! WRONG CLAMS they gave me 10 lbs of little necks! dont get me wrong i love little necks but thats not enuff to feed my family! sooooo back to the store i go!
thus the name of this post,,,,WHAT A DAY!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Family, a link to our past and a bridge to our future...

Very true on many levels.  how many of us feel comfortable speaking about our pasts?
not just the silly things weve done, but the people who we left in it.
The family we have, builds into the family we will have in the future ,
how we raise our children, how our children raise theirs and so on.

Im greatful that i was able to get a glimps into my past, meaning the people in my past.
Not that i ever even knew them,but by knowing them now, and having them apart of my life
and my familys life, gives me a glimps into what a wonderful future we have in front of us.

Monday, June 27, 2011



wow, tonight while putting kris to bed i said the word  ADOPTION again to him and asked what it meant,
he said "mom and dad' loved me.  I said of course, mommy and daddy loves you all. So as I laid with him in his bed, i said, of course mommy and daddy love u and your sisters, BUT whos belly did you come from? He said it,, TITI, i said YES,and Why are you with DADDY and I? I waited with bated breath to hear his answer,,,, "because, you love, me, brandi, jessika, ashleigh, mikayla, brooke, KAYLA and madison and scotty/"    oh my gosh,  Kris see kayla as part of our family!!!
I know I have done a good thing!! AT 4 yrs old my son has more knowledge than an adult!

Friday, June 24, 2011


So many people have fears.  Fear of heights, dark, bugs, being closed in,  our children will make the wrong choices, etc. As an adoptive mom i have fears that the average mom doesnt. As an amom in a fully open adoption it makes you look at your fears head on.

There are so many different types of adoptions. Closed,,,where no identifiable information is exchanged
semi open..where maybe letters are exchanged or a picture here and there,,then open,,where both parties agreee to visits, communication, etc for the child that was placed.

Experts say that open adoption is best for children because they never have to wonder what their story is. That they will benefit knowing that their Bmother didnt just up and abandon them. All that is WONDERFUL for the child, but it puts a fear in an Amom like myself.
I know it shouldnt but were human and fear is part of life.

My fear, what if my son hates ME. What if my son speaks the words every Amom fears, "your not my REAL mom" OF course i know that isnt true because DNA doesnt make you a mom, but the fear of hearing that someday breaks my heart. Right now my son has a great relationship with this Bmother, they giggle,, tickel, joke around, she gets to be the FUN one, where I on the other hand have to be the one to discipline, guide, set rules, bedtimes etc. Sometimes I get jealous of that FUN relationship , i know i have no reason to but thats the FEAR setting in, the fear of "what if he decides he likes the FUN more than me?" I know, this all sounds crazy, but its a real and im sure selfish feeling that i have, because i know that openess is the only way to have an adoption and i would never have done it any other way , but again, im human, and FEAR is in the human nature.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

end of school..beginning of more to come

well today all the kids end the school year! it has been a year of acheivements and growth.
As of september we will have a senior in hs,,junior in hs,, 8thgrade, 7thgrade, 3rd grade and prek!
Wow does time fly, next year at this time i will be planning a grad party! Getting ready to send one off to college . This time brings mixed feelings, feelings that wow, things are getting easier for dan and i with the kids growing up and then at the same time feeling sad BECAUSE they are growing up lol.

This makes me think back to when they were all little, thinking gee cant wait till they get to school and grow up. How i wish i could hit the pause button now. I wouldnt have to worry about having kids leave home and miss them. i know thats selfish of me but oh well ; )

This is making me think of the future and what it holds for us all. weddings, baby showers, grand children are not so far away any more. Its not just the kids moving forward and growing up, its also my
time to grow and adjust to all these new adventures !

Sunday, June 19, 2011





Thursday, June 16, 2011


Well the questions have begun. As i was watching 16 and pregnant, my son asks,,,"mom do u have a baby in your belly',,,of course my answer was a resounding NOOOO!!!! he said,,",ti ti has a baby in her belly,",i said yes she does,,,he says,,",she had 2 babies in her belly".  OOOMMMMGGGG!! he has begun to understand! I mean  its great, but at the same time,,,OMG!  I said,,one of the babies were you, and now she has naython. HE said "your my mommy" omg, omg  omg. This child is 4 and he is beginning to understand his story.  Im scared, what if,,,what if he hates me, what if he wants to  be raised by his bio mom, what if....what if.... UGH!!!!!

I spoke to k,,,and she has what ifs too,,,what if he hates her,,,what if he never wants to see her again? 
Isnt it crazy, the 2 most important women in his life are scared! We are scared of what he may think and do.

The one thing we have is an unconditional love for kris.

time flies

So today im off to my sons preschool graduation! Gosh how time flies! I remember him as a chubby little baby ! : ) I miss that, to think some day it will be his highschool graduation! I think of how far he has come, from barley able to talk correctly to saying things like,,"ewww thats Biscusting" (discusting) lol
I have a hard time beleiving that they are all growing up. When my oldest was in preschool, I was one of the youngest parents, now with kris, im one of the oldest! ACK

As kristopher graduates preschool, im graduating to a new chapter in  life also, No more babies, toddlers, all big kids now! Sigh,,,its bittersweet :/

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

explinations...oh so hard

Kristopher Moss_20101209130243_JPG
Kristopher Moss is wanted by police for home invasions in Fall River, Mass., and Tiverton, R.I.
Large Map

Police arrest RI, MA break-in suspect

Kristopher Moss wanted in Tiverton, Fall River

Updated: Monday, 13 Dec 2010, 1:14 PM EST
Published : Monday, 13 Dec 2010, 1:13 PM EST
FALL RIVER, Mass. (WPRI) - A man wanted for break-ins in Tiverton and Fall River has been arrested.
Fall River police said they took Kristopher Moss, 20 , into custody Friday, after receiving a tip on his whereabouts.
Police said Moss had a shotgun that had been stolen during a home invasion in Tiverton. He allegedly left the weapon behind during a break-in at a Fall River apartment.
Moss is facing numerous charges in connection with the break-ins. Police have also charged him with drug possession
some day im going to have to explain this to my son. It breaks my heart! How do you do it?  How do i make him understand that this person shares his DNA!  Ive been doing alot of research into nature vs nurture, and i sure hope nurture wins in my situation!


Well its wednesday and i have class tonight! Ugh, dont get me wrong im glad that im furthering my education, it will benefit our family. Who would have thought that at almost 40 i would be going back?
I guess my 2 oldest and i will be doing homework together lol. Brandi is planning on going to umass for neonatal nursing next year and jess wants ER nursing, so we will be doing things together! go figure!

Between kids, work, and school, things are super busy.  My final is due in 3 weeks and at first i didnt
care about my grade but apparently my type A personality is kicking in lol. i dont just want to pass,,i want an A dam it!!! So i will keep you all updated on my grade!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!!!! Every one has heard that, now who really beleives it??
A friend asks you "does this look good on me " and you speak the truth and say "heck no, you look like a line backer"  How FREE will you be feeling???

But we should be truthful right? Thats what we have all been taught. Well I spoke the truth a few weeks ago and it almost started ww3! My oldest made a post on FB that said something to the effect of, "ugh I dont want to go to school next yr, they are adding more time to the classes"  I responded by saying, "you cant stop now, you are the first Botelho grandchild to GRADUATE! "  OMG youd have thought I committed a mortal sin! All I did was say what was true, she would be the first to graduate.  I was yelled at by 2 others saying that they "finished school. " Hmmm does finishing school and being part of a graduation mean the same?  NOPE. So, the truth didnt set them free, it made them face their reality.

I was called, stuck up, bitch, etc all because of a truthful statement. What is that teaching our kids? It shows them that maybe saying what people WANT to hear is better than being truthful!

1 .the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth. .
2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement.         
3. a verified or indesputed fact.
We as parents have to teach our kids no matter what,, the truth is best, but its how you say it.
Like I said in my last post , i was banned from some blogs for being truthful because the truth was something they didnt want to hear. I guess if being truthful makes me a bitch, stuck up, etc,,,So be it!

Monday, June 13, 2011

story of a life

I was adopted at birth by 2 wonderful parents. My dad passed away when i was 18 and in april of this year my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Its funny how when i speak of my MOM people get confussed. To me there is no confussion. Ill get asked, "your real mom" or your other mom? Hmmm I guess to some I have to clarify and to me thats strange. .MOM,,, what defines that? Someone who would give up her life for her child, someone who wipes yucky noses, who goes to doctors appointments, who stays up night after night with a colicky newborn, who when their teen drives away in a car for the first time, cant sit still till they come back in the door then breaths a sigh of releif. I belonged to some blogs that were offended by the term BIRTH MOM or BIRTH mother. They insisted on being called,,FIRST mom or FIRST parent. HMMMMMM weird huh. How were they first when they NEVER PARNETED?? Needless to say I got myself BANNED from their blogs lol! I refused to refer to them like that.
  The lable of mom, mommy, mama,, is something thats earned. Earned by the devotion to our children. So when I speak of my "mom" it will always be about the one who devoted her life to me. That lable can never be givin to another.

let us begin

This blog is a place where I am going to share just about anything. Most of my posts will relate to my open adoption with my son, the Wonderful things my kids do (not) and me being in a reunion with my biological brother and mother. Soooo to begin, I am off for a full 10 weeks, Im a teacher and one of the perks is being off for the whole summer with  my children.  Today begins my vacation,, and of course is cloudy and cool. My kids are all off in school, and Im home. Not sure what to do? Well actually I have errands to run, Im taking my sons bmother to her prenatal appointment. Now, Im sure people think WHAT? You still talk to "that woman" actually shes like a 6th daughter to me. Im not saying things will
always be easy, Im not one of those people who see through rose colored glasses. Im dealing with how Im going to explain to my son that this unborn child is biogolically his half brother. I also have to deal with how he will react. Well this is just a snipit into what I will be blogging about. Hope to have some followers soon, Im off the the doctors! take care all.