Friday, July 8, 2011

what a day!!!

started off ash mikayla brooke me and kristopher heading to plimouth plantation today despite the rain.
according to the radar by the time we got there we would have about 3 good hrs of no rain!! so off in the car we go,,going along just fine until the exit to the plantation,,down pouring and wiper motor goes!!! so we pull over under an underpass and wait for it to die down. after about 15 min we proceed to the plantation when...BANG, flat tire! so pull off to side again, broken motor for wipers and flat! nooo problem ill call AAA...while on phone realized my membership ended in APRIL!! UGHHHH so rejoined for $50. not a biggie...50 bucks to change tire and get us to our destination. while they finished the rain stopped. we had a great time at plimouth plantation! ohhhhh the ride home, as soon as we hit the highway....RAIN, not sprinkles not showers,monsoon like rain! Ride home was 20mph in breakdown lane with hazzards flashing!

so, i decided after a day like today i deserve a good supper. i wanted a clamboil, i went and got 10 lbs of steamers, yummmmm upon comming home, i dumped out the clams,,,yup u guessed it ! WRONG CLAMS they gave me 10 lbs of little necks! dont get me wrong i love little necks but thats not enuff to feed my family! sooooo back to the store i go!
thus the name of this post,,,,WHAT A DAY!

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