Thursday, July 14, 2011


Why is it that people focus on the wrongs that ppl do? YES some ppl do more wrong than others. So when does it even out???? Is scratching a scratch ticket the same wrong as robbing a store?..... Go ahead, think about it. ....You thinking? the answer is yep!!!!!!!!!!! If you beleive in God and the bible, a sin is a sin is a sin! No rating scale was developed!

I have a love in my heart for people. I dont care about what they have done in the past, i care about what they are doing for their future.
Some people thrive on the negative choices others have made. I thrive on the hope that people are going to CHANGE the negative decisions people make.

Last i checked..Colossians 3:13
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. (NIV)

so WHAT if people make wrong decisions, its what they do with the outcome that matters!!!!!!!!
Lord knows ive made MANY wrong choices in my life and i thank GOD he forgives because God only knows where i would be!

IM sick of negativity for people who have made past mistakes. Im sick of
negativity in any way! i wish...... i guess thats all i can do?

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