Tuesday, July 12, 2011

primal wound discounts fathers!

Again back to the primal wound theory. The primal wound is all about the "so called loss " of the child to its biological mother. How does this make the biological father feel??? Never does she mention the loss of a child to his or her father! So basically whats shes saying is a biological father isnt as important to the child as the biological mother! What a bunch of CRAP! If people were to beleive her theory, the loss of the father should be as much of a hurt for that child but it is not discussed!

Basically shes disregarding fathers in her theory. The father plays a very important role in raising children too. Does she not think that if her theory is correct, the child would also be mourning the loss of the biofather?
A baby when born wants and needs, 3 things, human touch, food, shelter. IT doesnt matter who provides those needs. If that child feels safe, he or she is going to thrive, regardless .

If an adopted child is "acting out" etc, its not because he or she is wounded" or in pain, it has to do with genetics, dna, and other issues. So what is the theory on non adopted children who act out?? omg let me guess, lets blame their parents!!! Thats exactly what the primal wound is suggesting! BOGUS!

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