Tuesday, June 14, 2011


THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!!!! Every one has heard that, now who really beleives it??
A friend asks you "does this look good on me " and you speak the truth and say "heck no, you look like a line backer"  How FREE will you be feeling???

But we should be truthful right? Thats what we have all been taught. Well I spoke the truth a few weeks ago and it almost started ww3! My oldest made a post on FB that said something to the effect of, "ugh I dont want to go to school next yr, they are adding more time to the classes"  I responded by saying, "you cant stop now, you are the first Botelho grandchild to GRADUATE! "  OMG youd have thought I committed a mortal sin! All I did was say what was true, she would be the first to graduate.  I was yelled at by 2 others saying that they "finished school. " Hmmm does finishing school and being part of a graduation mean the same?  NOPE. So, the truth didnt set them free, it made them face their reality.

I was called, stuck up, bitch, etc all because of a truthful statement. What is that teaching our kids? It shows them that maybe saying what people WANT to hear is better than being truthful!

1 .the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth. .
2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement.         
3. a verified or indesputed fact.
We as parents have to teach our kids no matter what,, the truth is best, but its how you say it.
Like I said in my last post , i was banned from some blogs for being truthful because the truth was something they didnt want to hear. I guess if being truthful makes me a bitch, stuck up, etc,,,So be it!

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