Monday, July 25, 2011


Ok, so ive decided to get on this coupon bandwagon. ive been clipping for about 2 weeks now. im still trying to figure all this out, by no means will i get to be as good as the extreme couponers, but if i can begin to save even 20% off my bills i think that will be great!
Today i set out to get cereal because in a house with 6 kids that is a must have. I had clipped and saved coupons for 1.00 off a box of any kellogs cereal. Rite aid was running a special, 1.88 per box. I was able to purchase 10 boxes of cereal and 3 boxes of poptarts for a grand total of 15.00! Heck for my first try i think that was a decent savings!

Next week im aiming for a deal on shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes and of course tampons lol. Ill blog about that shopping trip next monday!!!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Why is it that people focus on the wrongs that ppl do? YES some ppl do more wrong than others. So when does it even out???? Is scratching a scratch ticket the same wrong as robbing a store?..... Go ahead, think about it. ....You thinking? the answer is yep!!!!!!!!!!! If you beleive in God and the bible, a sin is a sin is a sin! No rating scale was developed!

I have a love in my heart for people. I dont care about what they have done in the past, i care about what they are doing for their future.
Some people thrive on the negative choices others have made. I thrive on the hope that people are going to CHANGE the negative decisions people make.

Last i checked..Colossians 3:13
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. (NIV)

so WHAT if people make wrong decisions, its what they do with the outcome that matters!!!!!!!!
Lord knows ive made MANY wrong choices in my life and i thank GOD he forgives because God only knows where i would be!

IM sick of negativity for people who have made past mistakes. Im sick of
negativity in any way! i wish...... i guess thats all i can do?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

primal wound discounts fathers!

Again back to the primal wound theory. The primal wound is all about the "so called loss " of the child to its biological mother. How does this make the biological father feel??? Never does she mention the loss of a child to his or her father! So basically whats shes saying is a biological father isnt as important to the child as the biological mother! What a bunch of CRAP! If people were to beleive her theory, the loss of the father should be as much of a hurt for that child but it is not discussed!

Basically shes disregarding fathers in her theory. The father plays a very important role in raising children too. Does she not think that if her theory is correct, the child would also be mourning the loss of the biofather?
A baby when born wants and needs, 3 things, human touch, food, shelter. IT doesnt matter who provides those needs. If that child feels safe, he or she is going to thrive, regardless .

If an adopted child is "acting out" etc, its not because he or she is wounded" or in pain, it has to do with genetics, dna, and other issues. So what is the theory on non adopted children who act out?? omg let me guess, lets blame their parents!!! Thats exactly what the primal wound is suggesting! BOGUS!

Monday, July 11, 2011

pw...primal wound nonsense!

ive done alot of reading on the primal wound, and all i have to say is HAHAHAHAHAAAAA and HA!
its such a joke, like does this author really beleive you need to blame your birthmother for your dysfunctions in life??? Are you kidding me?
Belief in the primal wound is like beleiving in santa clause. ITs not real..its all in your head and im sure real in the minds of people who beleive in such nonsence!

If you were a therapist and had a patient with, divorces, and unhealthy relationships, inability to keep a job , abuse, and he blamed it all on his birthmother and the primal wound you would have to get to the real issue, not the made up PW. This is so typical of adoptees who find the need to blame the mistakes they made on what went on before they were born.

i guess the bad grade i got in math class in the 5th grade i should blame it on the primal wound! lmao!

Friday, July 8, 2011

what a day!!!

started off ash mikayla brooke me and kristopher heading to plimouth plantation today despite the rain.
according to the radar by the time we got there we would have about 3 good hrs of no rain!! so off in the car we go,,going along just fine until the exit to the plantation,,down pouring and wiper motor goes!!! so we pull over under an underpass and wait for it to die down. after about 15 min we proceed to the plantation when...BANG, flat tire! so pull off to side again, broken motor for wipers and flat! nooo problem ill call AAA...while on phone realized my membership ended in APRIL!! UGHHHH so rejoined for $50. not a biggie...50 bucks to change tire and get us to our destination. while they finished the rain stopped. we had a great time at plimouth plantation! ohhhhh the ride home, as soon as we hit the highway....RAIN, not sprinkles not showers,monsoon like rain! Ride home was 20mph in breakdown lane with hazzards flashing!

so, i decided after a day like today i deserve a good supper. i wanted a clamboil, i went and got 10 lbs of steamers, yummmmm upon comming home, i dumped out the clams,,,yup u guessed it ! WRONG CLAMS they gave me 10 lbs of little necks! dont get me wrong i love little necks but thats not enuff to feed my family! sooooo back to the store i go!
thus the name of this post,,,,WHAT A DAY!

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Family, a link to our past and a bridge to our future...

Very true on many levels.  how many of us feel comfortable speaking about our pasts?
not just the silly things weve done, but the people who we left in it.
The family we have, builds into the family we will have in the future ,
how we raise our children, how our children raise theirs and so on.

Im greatful that i was able to get a glimps into my past, meaning the people in my past.
Not that i ever even knew them,but by knowing them now, and having them apart of my life
and my familys life, gives me a glimps into what a wonderful future we have in front of us.