Tuesday, August 9, 2011

DRAMA QUEENS...jump off the damn ark already!

Have you ever know a drama queen? Someone whos life wouldnt be ok without drama??
I laugh at those people. Actually i used to work with ALOT of them, and i see their DRAMA unfold by looking on my daughter facebook. Apparently shes friends with one of them. All i can do is laugh! like literally laugh. WHAT THE HELL is wrong with your life? you have your mommy giving you a job, you have free freakin daycare for the kids you keep reproducing and ..may i say AND,, you CLAIM to be this wonderful christian woman! LMFAO! thats all i can say. There are these people who thrive on drama, drama that they create because if they didnt their life would be boring. Like omg, my 8mth old is able to crawl??? OMG alert the damn press,,,,you idiot all 8month olds start to crawl!!!! or omg,,i now have 2 kids in school,,,AGAIN you idiot, did you not think babies grew up,,,u have a freaking masters degree!!!!

The reason im writing this is because i was with kayla at the ob and i saw one of these so called CHRISTIAN girls there,,prego and all i could do is laugh! cant imagine the DRAMA shes dreaming up.
Wow,,im on a roll, lmao, now i sound like a drama queen, but infact the so called drama in my life is real.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

parent vs friend

My promise to my kids -I am your parent first, your friend second. I will stalk you, flip out on you, lecture you, drive you insane, be your worst nightmare & hunt you down like a bloodhound when needed because I LOVE YOU! When you understand that, I will know you're a responsible adult. You will NEVER find someone who loves, prays, cares, & worries about you more than I do!
remember that kiddos, Brandi , Jessika, Ashleigh, Mikayla , Brooke, kristopeher, KAYLA (LOL)

Can't get any more real than that!!! Can you imagine if parents didnt get involved when we were teens??? omg. I know to any teens reading this, we are the totallly uncool generation!
THis is the main problem theses days, being the parent FIRST, so many want to be friends, but think back for a moment, how many friends from school do you as adults still have? 1, 2, ? PARENTS are forever! How many parents will throw themselves under a bus for their child? EVERY parent I know. All we really want is for our children to become good upstanding adults.

There are so many children who have parents but dont have a mommy and daddy!
Anyone who has given birth or fathered a child can say they are parents, but thats no where near being mommy or daddy!

The next time I yell, flip out on, cry about, pray about, worry about one of my children, I hope they will know the depth of my love for them!

Monday, August 1, 2011

open adoption ,,,,closed minds! ugh

there are people that don’t like the idea of open adoption….they cling to the “fact” that it would be terribly confusing for the children. There’s also one arguments that it’s just “not fair” to “force” the child to build a relationship with this stranger (you know – the stranger that gave birth to them). BUT these same people are more than welcome to introduce their child to all kinds of other strangers, the grandparents the child doesn’t know yet. The aunts and uncles that they haven’t met, friends of the family , coworkers, etc.....

Recenently i was talking to some people who just dont get it. Its so weird to me, they said, "so you kind of share parenting" I was like, NO, "Dan and I are the parents." THen i got,,"well what if she tries to take him back" THAT is my all time favorite lol. I had to explain that open adoption is still adoption, the child is still and always will be LEGALLY ours, nothing can change that.
There is so much misconception about openess that i so wish would change. THere is no confusion in my children either bio children or adopted as to who mommy and daddy are. THe only thing that closed adoptions do is lie and deceive the one person that deserves the truth! THE CHILD!